If you would like to support our chorus please review the instructions below

Please note that in order to be included in our annual show program advertisement, payment and media uploads will need to be completed no later than August 10, 2024. After that you are still welcome to support our chorus and donate however your advertisement will not be included in our annual show program. All other benefits will still be honored.

Gold Level - [ $1,000 or more ]
  • full-page program advertisement (4800 x 6300 pixels, 8.00" x 10.50" @ 600 dpi)
  • inside or back cover ($1,500 limited to the first three sponsors)
  • logo, name and link to your website on our Gold Level sponsor page
  • social media mentions
  • live mention at all our performances
  • recognition in our printed programs as "Sponsors-in-Harmony"
Silver Level - [ $500 ]
  • half-page program advertisement (4800 x 3000 pixels, 8.00" x 5.00" @ 600 dpi)
  • logo, name and link to your website on our Silver Level sponsor page
  • social media mentions
  • recognition in our printed programs as "Partners-in-Harmony"
Bronze Level - [ $100 ]
  • quarter-page program advertisement (2250 x 3000 pixels, 3.75" x 5.00" @ 600 dpi)
  • logo, name and link to your website on our Bronze Level sponsor page
  • recognition in our printed programs as "Patrons"
Copper Level - [ $50 ]
  • business card-sized program advertisement (2100 x 1200 pixels, 3.50" x 2.00" @ 600 dpi)
  • logo, name and link to your website on our Copper Level sponsor page
  • recognition in our printed programs as "Friends"
Donor Level - [ less than $50 ]
  • name listed on our website on our Sponsors by Name page
  • recognition online and in our printed programs as "Donors"

  1. Determine your donation level.

  2. Submit your payment using our DONATION page. Enter the amount you would like to donate and follow the steps to complete the payment. You will be able to choose to pay online or by mailing a check. If paying online, payment steps will take you to our chorus paypal account for processing.

  3. If donating at Copper level or higher, please also upload your media and provide a link to your website. Click on the ADVERTISEMENT MEDIA UPLOAD FORM and carefully follow the formatting instructions for your logo and your program advertisement. Please note that this upload form requires you to sign in to a google account to be able to upload the media files. If this is a problem, please click on and review the LOGO AND ADVERTISEMENT FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS and then email your formatted files and website link to sponsorship@cherrycapitalchorus.org

  4. After payment has been completed and media files have been uploaded your contribution will be recognized accordingly.

  5. If you need assistance in this process please contact sponsorship@cherrycapitalchorus.org
We thank you for your consideration and support!

For a printable Sponsorship & Donation form with logo and advertisement formatting instructions, click on the CCMC 2024 Sponsorship Form.