Chad Hall

Barbershop singing has become a passion for many people, and Chad Hall is no exception.  After joining the Cherry Capital Men’s Chorus in 2000, he has become a musical voice for the chorus.  Serving as Assistant Director through four directors, he finally decided it was time to take the reigns of the chorus. Chad has been front line director for the Cherry Capital Chorus since 2018. 

He is a Certified Director from the Barbershop Harmony Society. He enjoys being able to guide singers towards a higher level of musicality.  Directing is his passion. Additionally, he has arranged several pieces for choruses such as the Cherry Capital Men’s Chorus..

Chad volunteers with other musical organizations. He has been Director for the Rotary chorus and Vocal director for several shows at the Old Town Playhouse.

When not singing or directing,  Chad and his partner Josh own Red Spire Brunch House, a very busy restaurant in the Grand Traverse Commons.

If you have a question or concern for our Director, email .