Format Instructions

Logo Media
This media file will be used as your logo on our website.
File Type:
jpg or png
Filename (no spaces):

BusinessName: replace with your business name
EXT: replace with file extension (jpg or png)
Formatted Size:
Width: 75 - 600 pixels
Height: 75 pixels

Advertisement Media
This media file will be used to advertise in our show program.
File Type:
jpg or png
Filename (no spaces):
BusinessName: replace with your business name
HHHH: replace with pixels representing the width
VVVV: replace with pixels representing the height
EXT: replace with file extension (jpg or png)
Formatted Size:
Please use 600 dpi
Gold: Full Pg, 4800 x 6300 pixels [8.00” x 10.50”] (ex. BusinessName_4800x6300.jpg)
Silver: Half Pg, 4800 x 3000 pixels [8.00” x 5.00”] (ex. BusinessName_4800x3000.jpg)
Bronze: Qtr Pg, 2250 x 3000 pixels [3.75” x 5.00”] (ex. BusinessName_2250x3000.jpg)
Copper: Bus-Cd, 2100 x 1200 pixels [3.50” x 2.00”] (ex. BusinessName_2100x1200.jpg)